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Home » Ageing Skin and Best Practices for Youthful Skin Condition

Ageing Skin and Best Practices for Youthful Skin Condition

Usually, mature skin occurs between the ages of 40 and 50, when the begins to lose moisture and thickness due to the decline of the body’s estrogen, collagen, and elastin production.

Once the skin becomes less hydrated, less supple, and less stretchy as it ages, there are wrinkles on our face, especially the canthus, forehead, cheek, and the area around the mouth.

In reality, we can slow down ageing by understanding what factors cause mature skin, and thus figuring out proper solutions. In this article, we’ll be providing you with some causes of ageing of our skin, and some tips to have a youthful skin condition. 

Now, let’s get into the details!

What Causes Ageing Skin?

  • ageing skin

The first thing we should think of when mentioning the causes of ageing skin is UV rays. They can destroy the structure of collagen and elastin, which are must-have nutrients for healthy, youthful skin. 

Hence, skin that has been exposed to excessive sun damage is more likely to have facial wrinkles and other skin conditions like age spots and discoloration. These problems are severe when we get older. 

Among all the factors discussed above, it’s vital to apply sunscreen with an SPF (sun protection factor) of 50, which helps your skin filter up to 98% of UV rays. We should use it every day, and reapply sunscreen after 4-5 hours after cleaning your face with toner to get better results. 

The second cause that leads to ageing skin is improper skin care. The use of harsh cleansers regularly can lead to early signs of ageing on your skin. It’s similar to the effect of scrub exfoliation, which is recommended to be used once or twice each week, with dedicated massage for minimal damage. 

Therefore, you should “listen” to your skin, and start a basic skincare routine early (when you’re still a teenager) with suitable products to avoid wrinkles.

Besides the causes mentioned above, there are several factors that you should avoid if you want to have a youthful appearance. They are cigarette smoke, alcohol assumption, poor diet, lack of sleep, stress, and more. 

How Ageing Skin Looks

  • ageing skin
  • skin wrinkles

There are common “symptoms” when your skin starts to get old. Understanding the language of your skin helps you estimate the time to apply a different skincare routine to keep your skin looking youthful.

These are some symptoms of ageing skin: 

  • Wrinkles
  • Age spots
  • Skin tags 
  • Dry skin & Discoloration
  • Irregular face shape
  • Increased roughnessskin roughness

Best Practical Tips to Ensure A Youthful Skin

Keep Your Skin Moist

  • drinkink water

Hydration is a key factor in most health benefits, and it plays an important role in decelerating the ageing process of our skin. Specularly, our skin needs to be hydrated both from inside and outside. 

One common tip to nurture yourself from the inside is drinking enough water as we all know that 70% of our body is water. You can drink smoothies and juices from oranges, apples, celery, etc. as they provide healthful nutrition as well. 

For mature skin, you need both intensive nourishment and regular hydration from the outside, which are skincare products with anti-ageing functions. Interestingly, some of those products are specifically designed for body parts because they age at a similar rate as our faces.

When applying those products to your face, don’t forget to avoid the areas around your eyes. The basic logic here is that the skin under your eyes is super delicate and thin. Therefore, you should buy products specializing in eye care instead of using hydration products for the face in this area. 

Choose the right skincare product for skin ageing

  • skincare products

As soon as you notice the first signs of skin ageing as we mentioned previously, it’s time to regularly use face cream for mature skin. Hydrating, firming, and reducing wrinkles are some of the benefits these types of products can offer.


In general, mature skin can be quite needy. Make sure you select cosmetics that match your skin’s needs. Therefore, you should choose a face cream (and other face products) that contains the following ingredients: 

  • Hyaluronic acid
  • Retinol
  • Coenzyme Q10
  • Vitamin C
  • Plant-based oils
  • Phytohormones

Focus on deep cleansing

  • skin scrubbing

There is no doubt about this! The ageing skin needs to be washed twice a day to prevent residue and debris from accumulating within the wrinkles. However, there may be a few differences between morning and evening routines. 

To be specific, you can use both remover and cleanser for double cleansing in the evening. Meanwhile, you can use a low-PH cleanser in the morning before applying toner. 

Plus, regular exfoliation is also essential for mature skin because it appears rougher and feels rougher faster. The process of exfoliating will help smooth your skin and improve the blood supply to your face, decreasing the appearance of wrinkles. In addition, scrubbing promotes the regeneration of skin cells and increases blood and lymph circulation.

However, please keep in mind that we only use exfoliation products once or twice per week, and try to massage gently on your face, or else your skin cells will be damaged to a micro extent, and youthful skin is just a dream!


  • massage

Face massages improve skin elasticity. Face massages promote blood circulation, which oxygenates the skin better. This way, nutrients found in your skincare products will deeply absorb your skin. 

Currently, there are a lot of beauty salons that offer face and body massage services that you should try. They are skilled professionals who provide you with high-quality skincare products.

Eat healthily

  • healthy food

Keeping a healthy lifestyle can have a big impact. By exercising and pursuing a balanced diet with various nutrients, you can increase your skin’s firmness, elasticity, and oxygenation. All of these efforts result in youthful skin as you wish.

In conclusion, we all face skin ageing, however, there are a lot of tips that you should apply to slow down the ageing process of your skin.

Besides proper, regular skincare for mature skin at home, it’s worth nourishing your skin face with high-quality products and equipment along with the professional skills of beauty experts at beauty salons. Lifting, peeling, or mesotherapy can help smooth the skin and stimulate cell regeneration, and they are much safer in reliable beauty spas.

You can look for trustworthy spas nearby on JustServ – a marketplace with hundreds of beauty service providers. You can have a look at all their services and read reviews from previous customers before making an online booking.

For more tips and tricks to help your skin look healthier, keep following JustServ and we promise that you won’t be disappointed!

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