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Home » Comprehensive Home Waxing Guide for A Perfect Valentine’s Date
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Comprehensive Home Waxing Guide for A Perfect Valentine’s Date

Valentine’s is just around the corner. Your beloved is waiting for you to set up a perfect date. Candlelight, wine, flowers, hot kisses and more.

Once you have everything set up and ready, you will want to focus on making your partner feel good. This is where things like massage oils, wine, chocolate, fruit, music and comfortable clothes come into play. Slow dancing, followed by a glass or two of wine then slowly transitioning into a massage on the bed seems to work wonders for just about anyone.

In that context, don’t forget to prepare a perfect body for your date. In this article, JustServ will provide you with the most effective home waxing guide for smooth, glowing skin for a hot night.

What is home waxing?

When you are looking for a method for perfect skin before a hot Valentine’s date, waxing will be an indispensable step. Hair waxing is a method of removing hairs from sensitive areas such as arms, legs, underarms, bikini area or moustache, and nose hair. The advantage of this method is that they cause less pain, slow regrowth and prevent hair thickening.

Waxing cause less pain, slow regrowth and prevent hair thickening

If you follow up the right process, you can completely wax at home to return your skin to a smooth, blemish-free look. Totally eliminate the worry of ingrown hairs, jagged hairs or skin rashes!

When waxing at home, people often apply two basic principles: hot wax (using wax) and cold wax (using glue). Such simple ways but very effective results are possible: skin is less scratched, removes hair follicles at the root, blows away dead cells and impurities, sebum, and minimises skin irritation.

6 Steps for a safe & painless waxing process

Removing body hair at home isn’t really that complicated. Just master the process with some basic principles and we can operate easily. Let’s get started with JustServ right away.

  • Step 1: Clean the “dense” area and dry thoroughly with a fine towel. You can also use warm water to help open the pores and soften the hair follicles.
  • Step 2: Use a wooden spoon to apply a medium-thick layer of beeswax over the entire area to be waxed. Wait a few seconds for the wax to cool down to slightly warm if you wax hot. In the case of cold wax with wax paper with built-in glue, you need to place the glue neatly at the area you want to wax, rub the glue to heat up and stick it more tightly to the skin.
  • Step 3: Pull the wax or wax glue in the direction of the hair growth so that the hair follicles are completely removed. At this time, the operation needs to be strong and decisive to create enough force to “pull” the hair follicles out as well as limit the feeling of burning pain.

Gently yet decisively pull the hair follicles out to limit the feeling of burning pain

  • Step 4: Gently swipe all over the skin surface to check if the area to be waxed is clean of hair or not. If not, continue waxing again.
  • Step 5: Thoroughly clean the remaining glue or wax residue on the body – you can use warm water to quickly clean the skin.
  • Step 6: Apply baby powder or vaseline, almond oil, coconut oil or vitamin E to soothe the painful skin and help the pores recover. Body lotions should not be applied right after the waxing process to avoid stimulating quickly hair regrowth.

5 Crucial notes when waxing at home

Home waxing is both quick and convenient, but we also need to keep in mind some of the following notes:

  • Wax hair periodically every 3-4 weeks. This is the time for the hairs to reach the proper length for more effective waxing because too short hair often won’t pull the entire follicle up and waxing too often can also pose a risk of irritation – especially for people with sensitive skin.

Home waxing is both quick and convenient

  • Clean and dry skin before and after waxing. This helps keep the skin clean, unclog pores and limit the accumulation of bacteria as well as residual wax crumbs.
  • Do not take a hot bath immediately after waxing, because the tiny wounds can create conditions for bacteria in the hot water to enter causing folliculitis.
  • Do not apply wax and perform waxing on areas with hairy moles, keloid scars, inflammatory acne or open wounds. It is better to wait for these areas of skin to fully recover and be healthy before performing hair removal.
  • Limit the use of tweezers, and razors to avoid ingrown hairs after the wax.

4 Skincare tips after home waxing

The skin after hair removal, especially sensitive areas such as the skin under the arms or the bikini area, moustache, etc., needs to be carefully cared for to achieve an optimal aesthetic effect. Check out our article on how to prevent rash after shaving. Below are some cool tips hat will help you treat after-wax skin more properly:

Apply skin-soothing

After waxing, the skin is in an extremely sensitive and vulnerable state. In that case, some benign ingredients such as vitamin E, coconut oil, almond oil or vaseline can soften keratin cells and stimulate cells to regenerate and proliferate.

However, you should only apply them in the evening, when the body is less likely to accumulate dirt and sweat. Without this step, the waxed skin is easy to become dry and rough the next day.

Keep skin dry and cool

During the day, when our bodies have to be outdoors, the humidity in the waxed areas can cause bacteria to accumulate. Using a little talcum powder or skin care powder helps the skin “breathe”.

Always keep your skin dry and cool

Use the right deodorant products

After waxing, you should limit the use of viscous or waxy rollers that contain many fragrances because they are easy to clog pores and cause darkening. Products containing Glutathione ingredients will be suitable for vulnerable skin!

Pay attention to sun protection

When the hair follicle is just popped out of the body, the pores in that area often become weak. When exposed to harmful UV rays, they can become damaged and dull, therefore, leaving scars instantly. Shielding the skin with both physical measures and sunscreen products is never redundant if you want your skin to recover quickly.

Homemade gentle waxing materials

Most of the time, when waxing at home, we often choose the hot wax method, because they have the ability to “knock off” each hair follicle, even the most stubborn hairs.

Commonly used base materials are beeswax refined into tablets, sticks or flexible gels. This is a 100% natural ingredient so there are also no detergent properties or negative chemical effects. However, besides the basic formula, the combination of some natural fruits and vegetables also gives more effective and optimal waxing formulas.

  • Brown sugar: Using brown sugar to exfoliate before waxing will unclog the skin surface and help the beeswax stick more firmly, pushing the hair up cleaner.
  • Strawberry: Strawberry contains a small amount of Salicylic Acid, so it is extremely effective in whitening and reducing dark spots. Using strawberry juice to apply evenly on the skin after waxing will limit the condition of darkening of the pores. You can also vigorously remove sebum, impurities and dead cells.

Strawberry is extremely effective in whitening and reducing dark spots

  • Coconut oil: Applying coconut oil to the skin before hot wax will also help soften hairs, and limit scratches, and bleeding pores. After waxing, you can also use this material to moisturise stressed skin.

Apply coconut oil to the skin before hot wax

Home waxing is pretty simple, but you also need to pay attention to both skincare before and after wax to avoid inflammatory acne, irritation or darkening of the pores. Only then will the waxing process bring about the expected effect.

Final thoughts

Valentine’s night should be a very special night for yourself and your date. However, keep in mind, under any circumstances, don’t stop being proud of your body. Not only on Valentine’s Day, take care of your health and beauty at all times. Let JustServ help you with that. With hundreds of beauty salons, hair salons, nail salons, and spa massages just a few clicks away, we take care of your beauty.

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