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Home » How To Take Care Of Your Nails After Nail Beauty Treatment
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How To Take Care Of Your Nails After Nail Beauty Treatment

Have you ever treated yourself to a nail salon and enjoyed the feeling of having beautiful and healthy nails? Whether you opt for a manicure, a pedicure, gel polish, or acrylic, getting a nail beauty treatment can boost your mood, confidence, and style. However, after a few days or weeks, you may notice some problems with your nails, such as dryness, brittleness, peeling, splitting, or even infection. These are common signs that your nails need some extra care and attention after a treatment.

In this article, JustServ will share with you some tips and advice on how to take care of your nails after treatment and prevent or repair any damage. By following these simple steps, you can enjoy your nails for longer and keep them healthy and strong.

Apply hand cream or nail oil regularly

One of the best ways to take care of your nails after a treatment is to moisturise them regularly. This can help them stay hydrated and healthy, as well as prevent cracking or breaking. You can use a hand cream or a nail oil that suits your type of nails and treatment.

Apply hand cream or nail oil regularly

For example, if you have weak or brittle nails, you can try nail defense strengthening treatment, which can help strengthen and protect your nails. If you have dry or damaged nails, you can try organic nail beauty treatment, which can nourish and repair your nails with natural ingredients.

You should apply hand cream or nail oil at least once a day, preferably after washing your hands or before going to bed. You can also apply them after removing nail polish or before applying a new one. Make sure to massage the product into your nails and cuticles for better absorption and circulation.

Wear rubber gloves when handling detergents or bleach

Another way to take care of your nails after a treatment is to protect them from harsh chemicals that can weaken them and have a drying effect on your skin. You should wear rubber gloves when doing household chores that involve detergents or bleach, such as washing dishes, cleaning the bathroom, or doing laundry.

Wear rubber gloves when handling detergents or bleach

These chemicals can strip away the natural oils from your nails and make them more susceptible to splitting or peeling. You can also add some lotion inside the gloves to moisturise your hands while doing household chores.

Drink plenty of water and eat a balanced diet

Don’t forget to hydrate and nourish your nails and skin from the inside out. Your hydration and nutrition levels can affect the quality and growth of your nails, as well as your overall health. You should drink at least 6–8 glasses of water per day and eat foods that are rich in vitamin C, which can help boost collagen production and prevent nail brittleness. Some examples of vitamin C-rich foods are peppers, broccoli, citrus fruits, strawberries, and kiwis.

Vitamin C can help boost collagen production and prevent nail brittleness

Foods that contain other nutrients, such as protein, iron, zinc, biotin, and omega-3 fatty acids, are essential for nail health. Those compounds can be found in fruit smoothies, salads, soups, nuts, seeds, eggs, fish, chicken, and dairy products.

Buff your nails gently and avoid filing them too much

Buffing your nails strengthens your nails by removing ridges and uneven surfaces. However, buffing your nails too hard or too often can cause thinning or damage to the nail plate. You can buff your nails once every few weeks using a soft buffer that has four sides with different grits. Start with the coarsest side and move to the finest one gradually, in one direction only, and apply light pressure.

Buff your nails gently and avoid filing them too much

On the other hand, filing your nails can also help shape them and prevent snagging or tearing. But keep in mind that overfilling can weaken them and cause splitting or peeling. Ladies, you should only file your nails when they are dry, using a fine-grit file that is suitable for natural nails.

Use a base coat and a top coat when applying nail polish

When applying nail polish, don’t skip the base coat and top coat. A base coat can protect your nails from staining by creating a barrier between the nail plate and the polish. Meanwhile, a top coat can protect your polish from chipping by creating a seal over it. Both coats can also add shine and durability to your nails.

Use a base coat and a top coat when applying nail polish

You can use products that can serve as both a base coat and a top coat. These products can save you time and money by combining two functions into one.

Use non-acetone nail polish remover and avoid picking or biting your nails

Another way to take care of your nails after a nail beauty treatment is to use a non-acetone nail polish remover and avoid picking or biting your nails. Acetone is a common ingredient in nail polish removers that can dry out your nails and cause them to crack or peel. You should use a non-acetone nail polish remover instead, which can also strengthen your nails.

nail beauty treatment

Use non-acetone nail polish remover and avoid picking or biting your nails

You should also avoid picking or biting your nails, as this can damage them and expose them to bacteria or infection. Picking or biting your nails can also ruin your nail treatment and make it look messy or uneven. You should try to break this habit by using bitter-tasting nail polish, chewing gum, or wearing gloves.

Give your nails a break from treatments every once in a while

That sounds strange, but one way to take care of your nails after a treatment is to give them a break from treatments every once in a while. Constant exposure to treatments can weaken your nails and prevent them from breathing. Your nails need some time to rest and recover from the chemicals, heat, or pressure that they have endured. You should let your nails breathe for at least a week between treatments, depending on your nail condition and preference.

nail beauty treatment

Give your nails a break from treatments every once in a while

You can also use this time to pamper your nails with some natural remedies, such as applying a nourishing mask, massaging them with oil, or soaking them in warm water with salt or lemon juice. These ingredients can help moisturise, whiten, or disinfect your nails naturally. You can also trim and file your nails gently to keep them neat and tidy.

Consult a professional if you notice any signs of infection or disease right after the nail beauty treatment

Last but not least, nail treatment is a common way to transmit contagious skin diseases. Besides, people with sensitive skin can also suffer from skin issues such as rash, dryness, peel-off condition and so on. Consult a professional if you notice any signs of infection or disease as soon as possible. Some nail problems can indicate an underlying health issue or require medical attention. You should not ignore or neglect your nail health, as it can affect your overall well-being.

nail beauty treatment

You should not ignore or neglect your nail health, as it can affect your overall well-being

Some signs of infection or disease that you should look out for are pain, swelling, redness, pus, discolouration, or changes in shape or texture. These signs can be caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses, or other factors that can harm your nails. You should consult a professional if you notice any of these signs and not try to self-diagnose or treat them at home. A professional can help you identify the cause and prescribe the appropriate treatment for your nail problem.


We hope you enjoyed reading this article and learned some useful tips on how to take care of your nails after a nail beauty treatment and keep them healthy and beautiful. By following these steps, you can improve your nail strength, appearance, and growth. You can also prevent or repair any damage that may occur after nail beauty treatment.

Remember to treat your nails with love and care, as they are an important part of your beauty and wellness. Your nails deserve the best attention and care that you can give them.

Thank you for reading this article, and please feel free to share your feedback, questions, or suggestions in the comments section or on JustServ’s social media. If you find the content helpful, subscribe to our blog to keep updated on the latest beauty tips and trends blog. We would love to hear from you and help you with any nail-related issues. Thank you for reading, and have a wonderful day!

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