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Ageing Skin and Best Practices for Youthful Skin Condition

Usually, mature skin occurs between the ages of 40 and 50, when the begins to lose moisture and thickness due to the decline of the body’s estrogen, collagen, and elastin production. Once the skin becomes less hydrated, less supple, and less stretchy as it ages, there are wrinkles on our face, especially the canthus, forehead, cheek, and the area around the mouth. In reality, we can slow down ageing by understanding what factors cause mature skin, and thus figuring out proper solutions. In this article, we’ll be providing you with some causes of ageing of our skin, and some tips to have a youthful skin condition.  Now, let’s…

Types of Beauty Salons You Can Find within Local Area

Types of Beauty Salons You Can Find within Local Area

As the beauty industry has developed and evolved, salons have begun to provide more specialized treatments to clients. Besides walking around your town to discover beauty salons nearby, you can totally visit JustServ – a marketplace consisting of hundreds of local salons and spas – to pick a favorite one and make a booking for a specific service. In this article, we’ll provide you with common types of beauty salons you can find within your surroundings. Let’s get it checked! Hair salon Hair salons can provide you with all the services you need, from a simple trim to a complete transformation. As far as you know, hair salons…

Beauty treatments

Top Beauty Treatments for Summer You Should Save

No one can deny summer is the best season of the year when we can enjoy memorable trips and travel under great sunlight. However, the UV radian during summer is relatively high and undoubtedly, it does harm to your skin like crackles, pigmentation, dark spots, and even worse, skin cancer if you don’t pay attention to any beauty treatments.  Therefore, it’s of great importance for us to take care of our sensitive skin during summer. In this article, we’ll be providing you with top beauty treatments that help you better protect your skincare under summer UV rays.  Without further ado, let’s get them discovered! Manicure and pedicure Beautifying…